

Southstreet school episode 29:The stormy day


What" that, Miss Gray?

It"s the wind, Jam

I don"t like that noise.

I do. It sounds like a monster howling.

When is it stop to blowing?

I"m not sure. Plz finish up your math work, Jam

Haha, here, it"s your turn with the dice.

I rolled a 3 and now a 4. 3 times 4 is 12.

Yep, I"ll write down our answer.

The lights went out. I don"t like the dark.

Me neither.

Now it"s raining really hard too.

Stay calm everybody, I"m sure the power will come back on soon.

The power is still out everyone.

So we are closing Southstreet school for the rest of the day. Plz wait in your classroom for your parents to come.

Black out is so cool. We only had a half day off school.

I"m glad you didn"t loose power at your house.

I know, we can still play video games.

I thought Jam was coming over.

I called his house but no one answered.

Maybe their phone isn"t working.

Let"s go and get him.

Mum, can we walk to Jam"s house? It"s stop to raining.


Oh no, Look at Jam"s house!
