


洞穴深处的秘密空间里是红死神的巢穴,而这部分空间的入口被建模部门亲切地称为“瑞士奶酪布景”。“这是我们给这个空间的昵称,因为我们被要求在其中建造很多孔洞,这无论是对CG建模还是现实中的雕刻来说都是非常困难的。”建模总监Matt Paulson评价说。这一套布景本是用于当做龙族育儿室,即早期版本的故事中一个受到保护的聚居地,里面有无数幼龙等待着它们能飞翔的时刻。


The interior of the island is essentially a caldera- a cavernous basin created in the collapsed center of a volcano. It is rife with stalactites and stalagmites, for which the modeling department sculpted a series of columns to convey the desired shape language, and then placed and scaled them throughout the cavern to create a sense of chaotic, maze-like depth.

The inner sanctum of the caves houses the nest of the Red Death, and the entrance to this location was fondly called the "Swiss Cheese set" by the modeling department. "It"s our term of endearment for the space in which we were asked to build many holes, a task which is as difficu lt to model in CG as it is in physical sculpting," notes Modeling Supervisor Matt Paulson. This set was originally intended to serve as the dragon rookery, a protected colony where countless baby dragons awa ited their moments to fly in an earlier version of the story.
