

故事团队可能承担着电影摄制组最艰巨的任务:如果他们的故事情节不扎实,那么屏幕上出现的其他一切都将是无关紧要的。在驯龙高手中,故事以龙和维京为敌开始。正如原著中所述,小嗝嗝和没牙仔在这种敌对的氛围中发展出一种慷慨、秘密的关系。“这一动态给了这个故两个有趣的场景,接下来是双重生活:白天的小嗝嗝变成了真正的维京人,到了晚上他便和敌人私通。”导演Chris Sanders解释道。“这两个世界最终将会碰撞—这是结构的性质—所以他给了我们一个很好的机会,在第二幕中出现一些崩溃,然后是一个小问题,从而解决第三幕。”总策划Dean DeBlois指出。 


驯龙高手的设计理论中占据着主导地位的尺度意识也是故事的一个重要原则。“我们知道我们想要在电影中有一种‘大卫和歌利亚(David and Goliath)’的感觉,在这部电影中,故事中最小、最不被考虑的角色,必须面对巨大的东西。这就是我们在电影结尾时遇到的一个身体上、隐喻上的巨龙。”故事的负责人Alessandro Carloni解释道。此外,值得一看的是,小嗝嗝与没牙仔并肩作战时,比任何人都要强大并且共同战胜了红死神。


The story team carries perhaps the most daunting task of a film crew: if the storyline they craft isn"t solid, then everything else that appears on the screen is inconsequential. In How to Train Your Dragon, the story begins with the Dragons and Vikings as enemies. As in the original book, Hiccup and Toothless develop a powerful, secret relationship within this hostile atmosphere. "This dynamic gave the story an interesting act two, with a double life to follow: By day Hiccup was becoming a true Viking and by night he was consorting with the enemy," explains Director Chris Sanders. "Those two worlds are going to eventually collide-it"s the nature of the structure-so it gave us a great opportunity to have something collapse in the second act, and then a big problem for Hiccup to fix in act three," otes Director Dean DeBlois. 

One of the most involved efforts of the story team is to find the proper combination of drama, humor, and action. The team put great thought into developing the emotional storyline first and then letting comedic moments fall into place as long as they did not undercut the drama of a scene. "Our humor comes from the heart of the characters, their unique personalities and characteristics, more than anything," says Sanders. The way Hiccup jokes with his detractors and the way Toothless makes dragon flight even more exciting for his human riders are perfect examples of this character-based humor. Similarly, the numerous action-packed scenes of this film are not just pure entertainment opportunities; they actively move the storyline forward while giving the audience an exciting adventure along the way.

The sense of scale that was predominant in design theory for How to Train Your Dragon was also an important tenet for the story. "We knew we wanted a sense of " David and Goliath" in the movie, where the smallest, least considered character of the story has to face something colossal. That is how we ended up with a physically, and metaphorically, huge dragon at the end of the movie," explains Head of Story Alessandro Carloni. Plus, it is simply rewarding to watch how Hiccup and Toothless together are much stronger than either one would have been individually in fighting the Red Death.
