Narrator: Will our bears find a home here among the wreckage of a fallen world? let"s hope not, cuz this place is kind of a dump, literally.

Panda: Ugh! Grizz, the next time a gaint poisonous frog invite you to the "pool", could you please not take him up on it?


Grizz: How was I supposed to know he was the leader of an amphibian crime syndicate?

Panda: The "Crime Leader" tattoo on his face didn"t tip you off? sheesh, you trust everyone, Grizz!

Grizz: What? ! name one time.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear remembers the barbershop incident. "Grizz: How could I have guessed the barber was turning people into meat pies?"

Grizz: Okay, I promise to never, ever trust anyone ever again. now let"s go find a home……

Teddi: Did you say "home"?

Grizz: Whoa! Another bear!

Panda: But......a toy bear?

Grizz: Hey, a bear"s a bear! I"m Grizz. wanna be best friend?

(Panda: Duh! not again......)

Teddi: Salutations! the name"s teddi...(signal error)...I wuv you(I love you)...(signal back to normal) three questing for a home? I live in a toy shop. tehre"s sustenance, lodging, and my family is always welcoming.


Grizz: Bros, this place sound perfect!

Panda: Uh, what happened to being more cautious around strangers?

Ice Bear: Toy home sounds too good to be good.

Grizz: And we have no reson not to trust Teddi......

Teddi: You got that right!

Panda: Gah!

Teddi: You can trust me. cross my heart and hope to cry stick a needle in my......woopsie!

Panda: Does he even have a heart? I mean...he"s a toy

Grizz: He"s a bear just like us.

Teddi: I understand. if you bears don"t trust me, then I"ll...just...go away...(signal error) with me...

Panda: ......oh, fine......

Grizz: Yay!

Teddi: Yay! I won"t disappoint you!

(on the road......)

Grizz: Wow! what"s over here? what does this do? what did that do?

Teddi: Well......this turns on the hydropowered deep tissue massager.

Teddi: And this activates the liquid cocoa dispenser!

Grizz: Wow, Teddi, this car has it all!

Teddi: Actually, I fabricated it myself, heh.

Grizz: You built this?

Teddi: You could say I have a real eye for engineering. it was once my dream to be an areospace emgineer.

Grizz: It was? what happened?

Teddi: My family considers it a foolish ambition...(wait, what am I talking about?)...and they"re right. once must prioritize taking care of family above all!

Grizz: It"s your dream! you can"t give up now!

Teddi: Thanks, but......oh, look! we"re here!

Panda: This new home of ours sure needs a fixer-upper. way-upper.

Grizz: Teddi wouldn"t lead us astray, would you, Teddi?

Teddi: I sure wouldn"t!...(signal error)...I heart ooh.

Grizz: See?

Panda: Huh! here we go again.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear"s feeling déjà vu (another again).

Grizz: That"s the spirit! this will be fun! isn"t that right, T......what"s up, Teddi?

Teddi: Maybe we shouldn"t go in. maybe your brothers are right and I am a no good ne"er do well......

Grizz: Don"t listen to those guys, Teddi. I know you"re a good person. I can feel it right here.

I trust you with all my hears!

Teddi: Aww.

(Oh boy, Teddi maybe a good person, but inside the toy-shop, they"re definitely not, even worse.)

(Inside the toy-shop, as you can see, this place is so terrible)

Grizz: That must be Teddi"s family! our new family!

Ice Bear: Ice Bear doesn"t think these teddies are the cuddly kind.

Teddi: ...(signal error)...hug me!

Teddi 2: Hey! Teddi"s back!

Teddi: Uh, h...hi!

Teddi 2: Good ol" short circuit Teddi.

Teddi: Hey! Oof!

(I am pretty sure these teddies are not Teddi"s family)

Grizz: Whoop! Ya!

Other teddies: Hey!

Grizz: Hey, you guys are being kinda rude.

Teddi:;s cool, Grizz! the guys gre just playin" around.

(Wait, this is not playing, this is bullying)

Grizz: Well, if you say so.

Teddi 2: We"re just so happy to see our Teddi and to see that he"s brought back three live ones!

Panda: Live ones?

(Oh no, here we go again)

~ run! ~

Panda: Would you look at the time. wouldn"t want to wear out our welcome.

Teddi 2: Aw, but you gotta stay for dinner!

Panda: Ooh! What"s for dinner? hot dogs, lasagna?

Teddi 2: How"s about roasted ursine(bear)?

Grizz: Hmm, I"m not familiar with that dish.

Panda: Us, Grizz, ursine is us! it"s the barbershop incident all over again! Grrr! this is what you get for not listening to Ol" Panda!

Ice Bear: There, there.

Grizz: But Teddi, I thought you wanted us to be your bros.

Teddi 2: Teddi was sent out to find living creatures for us to eat. usually you don"t bring back anything but nut, bolts, and junk for your "inventions" but this time, you actually came through! maybe you really are as tough and cold-hearted as the rest of us, ah?

Teddi: Indeed.

Panda: Teddi, you rapscallion!

Grizz: Teddi, I......I trusted you.

Teddi: I...but...I...

Teddi 2: Ooh! we got a feisty one! dinner"s on, everyone! to the kitchen!

(In the kitchen......)

Panda: Pleh, pleh!

Ice Bear: Ice Bear actually really impressed with this flavor profile.

Panda: Grizz, we"re about to be flambéd because you trusted that no good lyin" Teddi

.Grizz: Teddi......

Teddi 2: Aaaaaand MVT——Most Valuable Teddy, you get first dibs tonight.

Teddi: [Gulp]......

Grizz: Please, Teddi. I know you"re a good bear.

Teddi 2: Less talk, more marinating!

Other teddy bear: Ice Bear is so good......


I know you"re a good person.

I can feel it right here.

I trust you with all my hears!


(Now Teddi have to do something......)

Teddi 2: Now you"ll want to brush thoroughly to let the meat soak in the flavor. then we eat!

Panda: Ha! and what is he supposed to do, arm wrestle me to death?

Grizz: I"m sorry, bros! this is all my fault!

(Suddenly, Teddi drive his toy car, and rush into these teddy bears......)

Grizz: Teddi! You"re helping us!

Teddi: I came back for my bros. that"s you guys!

Panda: Yeah, wo got that.

Teddi: Buckle up.

Teddi 2: After them!

(Ice Bear is throwing the simon toy to Teddi 2.....)

Teddi 2: I can"t put it down. I can"t take my eyes off it!

Grizz: Teddi, look out!

Panda: Aaaaaaaah! the exit!

Teddi 2: Try to get past us!

Panda: Oh.

(Now, the normal mode into the hyper-speed mode, and Teddi rush into these teddy bears......)

Ice Bear: Hands in the air like you just don"t care.

Grizz: That was amazing!

Ice Bear: Ice Bear has never felt so alive.

Teddi: I"m sorry I lied to you guys and brought you to a den of ravenous teddy bears hungry for the taste of living things...(signal error)...that was fun! hahaha!...(back to the mormal)...I just wanted to fit in with my family.

Grizz: It"s okay, Teddi. you pulled through for us when it mattered.

Panda: Yeah,Teddi, you"re......huh! you"re alright.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear"s impriessed with Teddi"s drifting skills.

Grizz: How about getting out of this scrap heap and coming with us?

Teddi: Thanks, but I"ve decided to enroll in engineering school. I"m going to follow my dream!

Panda: Way to go, Ted!

Ice Bear: Ice Bear knows Teddi will make the dean"s list.

Grizz: Bring it in, Teddi.

Teddi: Ah. I"ll never forget you guys...(signal error)...I"m Teddi. What"s your name?...(back to the normal)...bye!

Grizz: Hm. I guess I was right after all, trusting Teddi wasn"t so bad.

Panda: Uh, Teddi literally lied to us and almost got us eaten.

Grizz: He saves us in the end.

Panda: We wouldn"t have needed saving if it wasn"t for him!

Grizz: Yeah, buuut......


Narrator: Uh......huh, huh, huh, okay, uh, Grizz and Panda, you"re both wrong. and kids, do not talk to strangers. until next time, everybody. I"m serious.
