








Dark Oblivion

作词:Even Call (Elements Garden)

作曲:上松范康 (Elements Garden)

编曲:藤间仁 (Elements Garden)

(迷失在离开正道的世界,)(Lost in a world gone astray, )

(疑问,没有任何可说的。)(Questions, nothing left to say. )

(但明日依然有,耶!!)(But still tomorrow remains, yeaaah!!)

落为碎片,破碎的梦想世界,现在只剩阴影。Falling to pieces, a shattered dreamland, nothing but shadows now.

(随着夜色开始降临)(As night starts to fall)

睁开你的双眼向全新的噩梦。试着逃脱,但怎么逃脱?Open your eyes to a brand new nightmare. Try to escape, but how?

(随着光唤醒我们所有人)(As light wakes us all)

未来拥有什么?(曾明显的跌落的世界?)What does the future hold? (A fallen world once bold?)

我们能逃离这寒冷吗?(命运被遗弃)Can we escape this cold? (Fate abandoned)

新太阳什么时候升起?(我们什么时候才能意识到?)When will a new sun rise? (When will we realize?)

多少梦想必须灭亡?(我们现在不能回去了。)How many dreams must die? (We can"t turn back now.)

和黑暗缠绕在一起 光开始跌落。Entwined in darkness the light starts to fall.

慈悲的神们将毫无意义。Merciful gods will mean nothing at all.

站在神圣之地,反省内在。如此多的疑问留着。Stand on hallowed ground; reflect inside. So many questions remain.

玷污了的神智折磨我们。 我们必须逃脱这份痛苦。Tainted sanity preys upon us. We have to escape this pain.

(我会飞起来)(I will fly)

站起来,站起来,来吧,我们现在就走吧。Stand up, stand up, come on, let"s go now.

我们不会再跌落。We will never fall again.

(不会再)(Not again)

命运绝不会开始把我们绑进黑暗的忘却。Fate will never begin to bind us in dark oblivion.

被包在幻想中 多么寄生的,就像这个梦想付出代价。Wrapped in illusion so parasitic, as this dream takes its toll.

(火焰搅动内在。)(A flame stirs inside. )

与愤怒,灼热的激情一起燃烧着。无助的,我们失去控制。Burning with anger, a searing passion. Helpless, we lose control.

(火会点燃。)(The fire will ignite. )

陷入了阴谋。(暴风雨将在这土地…)Trapped in a wicked plan. (A storm upon this land. . . )

没有神伸出援手。(黑暗现在来临。)No gods to lend a hand. (Darkness comes now.)

我们怎样才能停止这困难?(这可恶的寄生生物…)How can we stop this strife? (This wretched parasite. . . )

我们能恢复控制这生活吗?(继续前进。)Can we retake this life? (Keep moving forward.)

重新点燃火炬中的火。Relight the torch of the fire within.

烧穿黑暗并烧毁罪!Burn through the darkness and consume the sin!

现在就打断循环;恢复控制我们的生活。我们绝不能活在后悔中。Break the cycle now; retake our lives. We must not live in regret.

时间绝不会等,时钟在滴答地走。Time will never wait; the clock"s ticking.

我们必须做出我们最后的赌注。We have to make our last bet.

(是时候了)(It is time)

站起来,站起来,来吧,我们现在就走吧。Stand up, stand up, come on, let"s go now.

不用那么害怕。No need to be so afraid.

(不回头)(Don"t look back)

一个梦想,一条生命,一个机会来坚强地站起来。One dream, one life, one chance to stand strong.

一个希望为所有人类。One hope for all mankind.

站在神圣之地,反省内在。Stand on hallowed ground; reflect inside.

如此多的疑问留着。So many questions remain.

玷污了的神智折磨我们。我们必须逃脱这份痛苦。Tainted sanity preys upon us. We have to escape this pain.

(作为一体战斗)(Fight as one)

站起来,站起来,来吧,我们现在就走吧。Stand up, stand up, come on, let"s go now.

此时此刻就取回我们的生活!Reclaim our lives here and now!


命运绝不会开始把我们绑进黑暗的忘却。Fate will never begin to bind us in dark oblivion.

我也没想到会要翻这首英文歌(还是因为很喜欢这首玛利亚唱的w) 好难翻


特别喜欢“vion”和“kind”的地方 哈……玛利亚太棒了……



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