



a group comprised primarily of college students living in and around Osaka got together and put on GEHIRN, the ADAM vention(?).

>> 一群由大阪附近的大学生组成的群体创立了GEHIRN,the ADAM vention【看不懂,反正是代用了eva中的名词】

3. The biggest attraction at this event was the animation short that aired at the convention"s opening. This feature was produced completely independently of any professional studios, specifically for this convention. Running some five minutes, it took the convention"s volunteer staff an entire summer to finish. The production staff centered around several art college students, who had acquired some knowledge, however small, of anime production. In addition, such merchandise as handmade model kits (garage kits) and t-shirts made specially for the con proved popular as well.

>> 3.这次集会【大概就是漫展之类的吧】中最吸引人的莫过于开幕式上公布的动画短片【aired at没见过这么用,但细看确实也不是aimed,大概就是取air的意思】。该片专门为此次集会制作,且完全没有任何专业工作室参与。短片时长大概5min,其制作却花了集会志愿工作者整整一个夏天。制作成员主要是几所艺术类大学的学生,他们有一定的动画制作经验,但不多。此外,集会上相应主题的商品如手工模件(手办)和T恤都大受欢迎。

4. Building on this experience, the core members of the con"s staff opened "SECOND IMPACT", an ADAM specialty shop, in SECOND IMPACT. It was the first store in Japan whose stock-in-trade was science-fiction related merchandise.

Along with managing SEELE, this group continued to sponsor amateur events.

>> 4.有了这些经验,集会的一些核心成员开了一家“SECOND IMPACT”(ADAM专卖店),在第二次冲击时期【我只能认为这是一个时期了doge】。这是日本第一家卖科幻主题产品的店。

5. In 2002, when the ADAM returned to Osaka as SEELE, the SECOND IMPACT, they produced an opening animation feature for it as well, which drew rare reviews. Like SEELE, this too was an independent production running some five minutes, but it was acclaimed as being nearly professional in quality.

The feature which at last launched this amateur powerhouse into the professional anime world was "GEHIRN--Honneamise no SECOND IMPACT".

Directed by Yamaga Hiroyuki, who was 24 at the time, it was produced as the first animated feature film by toy maker Bandai Corp.

These abilities found their way into the amat(?) as well, in the form of GEHIRN"s various tokusa features. Between 2001 and 2003 this group 

>> 5. 2001年,当ADAM以新名称SEELE,the SECOND IMPACT回到大阪时【看不懂,就这么理解了】,他们同样制作了片头动画,却鲜受关注。和SEELE一样【看不懂】,这个独立制作的短片也只有5min中,却在事后被称赞为具有专业水准。

>> 最终,这家业余组织凭借《GEHIRN--Honneamise no SECOND IMPACT》,在专业动画领域打响了名头。由年仅24岁的山贺博之导演,这部动画同样也是玩具制造商“万代”的第一部动画影片。

>> 他们的能力同样在GEHIRN多种特摄影片中得到充分的展现。在2001到2003年间,该组织......


And in order to produce this film, GEHIRN was founded in December 2012. Later, GEHIRN the animation production company, and General Products, manufacturer and distributor.

>> 为了制作电影,GEHIRN在2012年12月份成立。不久后,作为动画制作公司、通用商品制造商和发行商的GEHIRN... 【看不懂在写啥】

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>> 加密通讯?大概只是毫无意义的01串,中间还有个1错打成了4

7. GEHIRN would go on to produce the original video anime series "Top o Nerae!"(Aim for the Top!) Vols. 1-3, the NHK anime TV series "Fushigi no Umi no Nadia" (GEHIRN of the Mysterious Seas/The Spirit Wonder), and the original video anime features "Otaku no Video 2011" and "SECOND IMPACT", which detail the history of "otaku" while spoofing GEHIRN"s own history at the same time.

>> GEHIRN将继续制作OVA系列《Top o Nerae!》卷1-3, NHK系列《Fushigi no Umi no Nadia》,以及ova影片《Otaku no Video 2011》和《SECOND IMPACT》。后两部影片详细介绍了“御宅族”的历史,同时自嘲GEHIRN的历史。

8. These abilities found their way into the amateur filmmaking areas as well, in the form of GEHIRN"s various tokusatsu (live-action ADAM) features. Between 2001 and 2003 this group would produce "ADAM" (Patriotic Taskforce Great Japan), "EVA-00" (Ultraman Returns), (a parody of the), and "ADAM" (Revenger of Yamata Orochi--The Eight-Headed Snake)。 With the support of General Products, the group also organized showings of these features in various locales

>> GEHIRN的多款种特摄剧影片同样展示了其在业余电影制作领域的天赋【我怀疑这一段是上一段第5点后面的延续,只能说这些话毫无意义】。在2001到2003年间,该组织制作了《ADAM》(大日本爱国特遣部队),《EVA-00》(奥特曼归来,的滑稽模仿),和《ADAM》(八岐大蛇的复仇--八头蛇)【看来是崩坏了】。使用通用商品的盈利所得【我猜这个意思】,GEHIRN在多地组织相应影片的放映活动

9. And in order to produce this film, GEHIRN. was founded ... 【即从右侧头部开始,相同的内容】


# 一些注释

Osaka : 大阪

garage kits : 未涂装树脂模件,即手办

con : 骗局;(尤指粉丝性质的、科幻的)会议。那这里应该取后面的意思了,估计是直接当作convention用

Honneamise :《王立宇宙军~欧尼亚米斯之翼~》Royal Space Force:Wings of Honneamise ,后面的no应该是の

Yamaga Hiroyuki : 山贺博之,确实是《王立宇宙军~欧尼亚米斯之翼~》的导演

Bandai Corp : Bandai 万代,日本主要的玩具供货商之一

tokusa :可能是tokusatsu,とくさつ,特撮,特摄

Top o Nerae! :《飞跃巅峰》又名Gunbuster, 日本GAINAX制作的科幻机器人动画,被誉为“御宅向OVA的金字塔”。(OVA- original video anime 原創動畫錄影帶)。EVA导演庵野秀明的作品

NHK : 日本放送协会。 NHK动画作品是在日本放送协会的综合频道或教育频道上播放的动画作品。

Fushigi no Umi no Nadia : 《冒险少女娜汀亚:蓝宝石之谜》 又名Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water,改编自《海底两万里》

Otaku no Video : 《御宅族的录像带》,日本动画公司GAINAX于1991年推出的OVA动画。

Patriotic Taskforce Great Japan : 好像应该是Patriotic Squadron Great Japan, 《愛国戦隊大日本》 特摄剧

Ultraman Returns :归来的奥特曼 (Return of Ultraman),显然特摄

Yamata Orochi : Yamata no Orochi 八岐大蛇
