
名字:圣龙兽(圣洁龙兽) ホーリードラモン Holydramon


等级:究极体 [1]



属性:疫苗 [2]



首次登场:1998年9月 数码怪兽 Ver.S




必杀技&得意技:神圣烈焰    Holy Flame    ホーリーフレイム






圣龙兽是《数码暴龙》系列中登场的虚构生物,登场于动画《数码兽大冒险》及衍生作品《数码兽大冒险02》《数码兽大冒险tri.》《数码兽大冒险:》中八神光的搭档数码兽,及PSVita游戏『数码兽世界-next 0rder-』中大渊阳的搭档数码兽。









进化自:天女兽、冰狮兽、超比多兽(蓝)、百万海龙兽、超海龙兽X、飞车龙兽、神圣天使兽、机械暴龙兽、大古加兽、大蛇兽、机甲龙兽、超比多兽(红)、马铃薯兽(与EX巨龙兽等合体)、穷奇兽(与天女兽、飞龙兽和超比多兽(红)合体进化)、Airdramon (with Angewomon, Atlur Kabuterimon (Red) and Kyukimon)、Angewomon(with or without Lilimon, Lilimon (X-Antibody) or Holy Angemon or Lilamon or Atlur Kabuterimon (Red), Kyukimon and Airdramon)、Atlur Kabuterimon (Blue)、Atlur Kabuterimon (Red) (with or without Angewomon, Kyukimon and Airdramon)、Big Mamemon、Cherubimon (Virtue) (with Ofanimon or Seraphimon)、Garudamon、Gogmamon (with a Vaccine or Free Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)、Hisyaryumon、Holy Angemon (with or without Angewomon)、Holy Angemon: Priest Mode、Jewelbeemon (with a Vaccine or Free Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)、Jyagamon (with certain Digimon of the Pendulum Ver.20th series)、Kudamon (2006 Anime Version) (with Tailmon, Patamon, and Terriermon)、Kyukimon (with Angewomon, Atlur Kabuterimon (Red) and Airdramon)、Lilamon (with Angewomon or Lilimon)、Lilimon (with or without Angewomon or Lilamon)、Lilimon (X-Antibody) (with Angewomon)、Mach Gaogamon (with a Vaccine Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)Mega Seadramon、Mega Seadramon (X-Antibody)、Metal Greymon、Ofanimon (with Seraphimon or Cherubimon (Virtue))、Okuwamon、Okuwamon (X-Antibody)、Orochimon、Paildramon、Panjyamon、Panjyamon (X-Antibody)、Patamon (with Tailmon, Terriermon, and Kudamon (2006 Anime Version))、Scorpiomon (with a Vaccine Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)、Seraphimon (with Cherubimon (Virtue) or Ofanimon)、Silphymon、Tailmon(Warp Evolution) (with or without Patamon, Terriermon, and Kudamon (2006 Anime Version))、Terriermon (with Tailmon, Patamon, and Kudamon (2006 Anime Version)、Were Garurumon、Were Garurumon (Black)

进化为:青龙兽(与神龙兽、基路比兽.善和飞龙兽合体进化)、帝皇龙甲兽:战斗型态(与帝皇龙甲兽:龙型态合体进化)、奥米加兽 慈悲形态(与奥米加兽、凤凰兽、究极比多兽、维京兽和究极天使兽合体进化)、Dorbickmon (with or without certain Digimon from the Digimon Card Game)、Dracomon (with Greymon (2010 Anime Version))、Holydramon (X-Antibody)(with or without X-Antibody)、Huanglongmon、Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode (with Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode)、Lucemon: Satan Mode、Omegamon: Merciful Mode(with OmegamonHououmonHerakle KabuterimonRosemonVikemonand Seraphimon)、Qinglongmon (with Goddramon, Cherubimon (Virtue) and Airdramon)



《数码兽大冒险02 超绝进化!!黄金装甲最强之力!》


在剧场版动画『数码兽大冒险02 超绝进化!黄金的数码装甲』中登场,八神光的搭档数码兽。和炽天使兽一起重新创造了奇迹和命运的装甲。

英文版介绍:Holydramon is the partner of Yagami Hikari. She ultimate evolves to Holydramon to help battle Wallace"s Cherubimon. She aided in recreating the Digimentals of Fate and Miracles along with Takaishi Takeru"s Seraphimon. She and Seraphimon then attacked Cherubimon, but he regenerated and counter-attacked, causing them to devolve.




英文版介绍:After being saved by JESmon, Tailmon evolves to Holydramon once again in "Our Future" to help the other Digimon Partners in the battle against Ordinemon.




英文版介绍:Holydramon makes her first appearance in The End, The Ultimate Holy War, alongside Goddramon, evolving due to the light of hope from the other Chosen Children, and in doing so, surpassing the power they had in the past. In these forms, they"re able to overpower and defeat Millenniumon, then power up War Greymon"s Gaia Forceto destroy Zeed Millenniumon for good.


《Digital Monster Ver. S》






《数码兽物语:超合体战争 蓝/红》



Digital Monster Ver. S

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer

Holydramon, the Ultimate-level Sky-type Digimon, is a Variable Digimon that can be learned by the combination of any Chosen Children Digimon which already has the Angewomon Variable Technique. Its signature technique, Holy Flame, which costs 20 VP, restores 50% DP to all ally Digimon.

Digimon World 2

Holydramon evolves from Angewomon regardless of JP (Jogress Points) or Panjyamon with 9+ JP. Its signature technique is Holy Flame.

Digimon World 3

Holydramon is also a collectable White card, with 3 Energy Tank cost and 45 Attack Points / 48 Protect Points. Holydramon appears during an Angewomon card combo.

Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers

Digimon World: Digital Card Arena

Holydramon is the last opponent of Sky City"s third Extra Arena. Upon evolving, she tells the player she can"t believe how far they"ve come, and that the final holy battle is about to begin, and they should do their best in it. Holydramon plays the Holy Cloud-Riding Dragon deck, a Green/Nature deck with 3 attack, 5 defense and 4 evolution speed that has high Recovery power. Upon being defeated, she says she"s satisfied with the outcome because they both did their best, then thanks the player as she could not have evolved to her current level without his help. She then assumes the player will continue his journey in search for more battles, and asks him to stop and see her whenever he can.

Holydramon is also an obtainable Perfect-level Green/Nature card whose stats are:

Holydramon"s attacks are Holy FlameApocalypseand Hermit Fog.

Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution

Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer

Digimon RPG

Holydramon evolves from Angewomon by Special Card Evolution.

Digital Monster: D-Project

Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight

Holydramon can be obtained by Jogressing Angewomon with either Lilimon or Lilamon if above level 60 and Holy EXP 22000+, Dragon EXP 11000+.

Digimon Masters

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution

Digimon Life

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red

Digimon Collectors

Digimon World Re:Digitize

Holydramon can only be obtained as a collectable card. Its card is part of the Four Great Dragons(四大竜 Shidairyū) set.

Digimon Crusade

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode

Digimon Fortune

Digimon All-Star Rumble

Holydramon of the Four Great Dragons is the sponsor of the Digital Monster Evolution Tournament.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

Digimon World -next 0rder-

Digimon Linkz

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker"s Memory

Digimon ReArise

Digimon Encounters

Digimon Survive

Digimon New Century


Pendulum 1.5 Nature Spirits

Holydramon evolves from Atlur Kabuterimon (Blue) or Okuwamon winning at least 12 out of the 30 most recent battles.

Digivice Version 2

Holydramon is a partner Digimon. Evolves from Angewomon.


D-3 Version 2

Holydramon can be obtained by Jogressing Angewomon with Lilimon on the Tag Tamers, or D1 Tamers WonderSwan game – HP: 13, AP: 3, Mega hit: 8, 23


D-Scanner 1.0


Digimon Mini Ver. 3.0

Holydramon evolves from Holy Angemon: 1 Call, Perfect Level Requirements.


Digimon Xros Loader

Holydramon is available by DigiXrossing Tailmon, Patamon, Terriermon and Kudamon.

Digimon Mini Greymon Blue

Digivice Ver.15th

D-3 Ver.15th

Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th

Digimon Pendulum Z


Digivice Ver.Complete
