Party organised  组织聚会  Your Managing Director, ×××, has organised a party for this week.  你的执行经理×××本周组织了一场聚会

Emergency meeting arranged  紧急会议  Your Managing Director, ×××, has called an emergency meeting for this week.  你的执行经理×××本周组织了一场紧急会议

××× disciplined


After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he shrugged his shoulders and went home. A player with his leadership qualities doesn’t need to hear that (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,他耸了耸肩膀然后回家了。这样一个有领导力的球员不需要听着些。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he was completely distraught (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,他为此感到心烦意乱。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he grinned scornfully and went home. As a real prima donna he sometimes has bad days (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,他蔑视地笑了一下。作为一个爱慕虚荣的球员,时常会倒霉的。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he thinks that this is perhaps not the only football club on the planet. It is no coincidence that he is known as a journeyman player (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,他认为这不是地球上唯一一家俱乐部。很不幸他一定是个临时球员。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he is itching to show everyone in the club what he’s made of. He identifies with the club, and is proud of it (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,他渴望向俱乐部展现他的实力。他是俱乐部的一份子并且为此感到自豪。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he has decided to finish with the club for good (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,他决定好聚好散。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, the old trooper resolves to throw himself into everything with fresh enthusiasm in future (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,所有老球员决心用饱满的热情,使自已投身将来的事业。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, the good-spirited team player resolves to throw himself into everything with fresh enthusiasm in future (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,状态良好的球员们决心用饱满的热情,使自已投身将来的事业。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he resolves to throw himself into everything with fresh enthusiasm in future (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,该球员决心用饱满的热情,使自已投身将来的事业。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After making your views crystal clear to ×××, he is somewhat annoyed, though he knows that you’re right (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,虽然知道你是对的,但是他还是非常恼火。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he is really brassed off (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,他真的无所谓。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he understands the reasons for your criticism (士气变化).  当你对×××施行处罚时,他理解你批评他的理由。

××× disciplined  惩罚球员  After you made your views crystal clear to ×××, he can’t understand your criticism at all (old morale _VALUE, new morale _VALUE_2).  当你对×××施行处罚时,他完全不理解你批评他的理由。

Autograph session frustration  签名活动失败  Your players are irritated by the constant autograph sessions and lose two morale points.  你的球员因频繁的签名活动而气愤,士气-2

Favourable quote for building  诱人的报价  Your Managing Director, ×××, has received a very good quote for the ××× building. You would get everything for ×××, but you have to decide within the next 14 days.  你的执行经理×××收到一份极好的关于×××房屋的报价。你能从中获得×××钱,但是必须在14天内做出答复。

××× wants to play  ×××球员想要比赛  ××× begs you to choose him for the next match. "I think that I have finally earned my chance." What do you think?  ×××球员恳请你在下场比赛中安排他上场。他说:我认为我会有机会的。你的看法呢?  Agree  同意  The player is jubilant.  球员欣喜  Refuse  反对  The player is very disappointed.  球员失望

Promise to ××× not kept  对×××球员的承诺没有兑现  ××× is extremely unhappy because you didn’t keep your word.  ×××球员非常不高兴因为你食言了。

××× substituted very early  过早的替换×××  ××× is extremely unhappy because he was replaced so early in the last game.  ×××球员非常不高兴因为你在上一场比赛中过早的换下他。

××× sent on and replaced again  ×××被替换上场后又换下  ××× is very annoyed because he was sent on and then taken off again in the same match.  ×××球员非常不高兴因为你在上一场比赛中将他替换上场后又换下。

××× wants to leave  ×××想要离开  ××× wants to leave the club because he feels that the current squad is too weak. He would prefer to be a part of a stronger setup. What is your response?  ×××想要离开因为现在的俱乐部太弱小,他想去更好的俱乐部。

××× Criticism of club management  ×××球员指责俱乐部的管理  ××× has expressed highly negative views regarding the club management in a recent interview.  ×××在最近的采访中极力否定俱乐部的管理。

Autograph sessions are annoying  签名活动陷入麻烦  Your players have become tired of the constant autograph sessions and lose 2 morale points.  球员因为频繁的签名活动而感到疲惫。士气-2

Autograph sessions are annoying  签名活动陷入麻烦  Your players have become extremely irritated by the constant autograph sessions and lose 5 morale points.  球员因为频繁的签名活动而感到非常反感。士气-5

Fan hooliganism  足球流氓  After last week’s defeat, your fans totally destroyed the special train laid on for them. It will cost ×××  上周失败后,球迷彻底砸坏租用车辆。花费×××

Special offer - training camp in Doha  特别邀请—在多哈的训练营  You receive a letter from a sheikh who is a great fan of your team. Next season the training camp at Doha will be available to you for half price.  你收到一封来自一位俱乐部球迷也是阿拉伯酋长的来信。下赛季在多哈的训练营半价。

Special offer - training camp in Eschweiler  特别邀请—在Eschweiler的训练营  In order to improve its image, Eschweiler will make its training camp available to you next year for half price. You mustn’t miss those "great conditions right beside the power station"!  为了改变形象,明年Eschweiler将对你半价开放。

Special offer - training camp in St. Moritz  特别邀请—在St. Moritz的训练营  The Tourist Association in St. Moritz would be delighted to welcome your team next year. You could even count on a price reduction of 50%.  一家在St. Moritz的旅行社欢迎你明年去那里,半价优惠。

Diarrhoea  腹泻  Your whole team is currently suffering from a stomach bug. All players lose 5 fitness points.  全队突然发生肠胃疾病。全体体能-5

Healthy food  健康食品  The cook in your training camp hotel prepares particularly tasty and healthy food, which has also helped the team’s training program. Your players receive 2 additional fitness points.  训练营厨师今天准备了一份美味健康的食物,能够帮助球队训练。全体体能+2

Replica shirts ruined  球衣损毁  You find out moths have got into your merchandise warehouse. Half of the replica shirts have been so badly eaten that they can no longer be sold.  你发现商品仓库里有许多飞蛾。一般球衣被严重咬坏无法出售了

Major demonstration  大型示威游行  A major demonstration on the day of your home match will probably cause a first-class traffic jam. Unfortunately, your stadium does not have a railway connection. For this reason, many fans will stay at home next weekend. Twenty percent fewer spectators are expected.  一场大型示威游行正好在你主场比赛日举行,造成了严重的交通堵塞。不幸的是,你的球场没有和地铁连接,为此人们都呆在家里,降低20%的现场观众

Pop band  流行乐队  A very well-known pop band are coming to your town. Unfortunately the performance clashes with your next home match. The demand for tickets is clearly faltering; you can expect 10% fewer spectators.  一个非常知名的流行乐队来到城市。不幸影响了你下个主场比赛。球票卖不出去,降低10%的出席率。

Parking situation  停车状况  A poll has shown that many away fans just stay at home because of the miserable parking situation at the stadium. For this reason, you can probably expect 10% fewer spectators for the next home match.  民意测试显示许多客队球迷宁愿呆在家里因为体育场糟糕的停车状况。因此降低10%的出席率。

Computer system broken down  电脑系统瘫痪  The computer system for ticket reservations has broken down. ××× has to be paid, and you can expect about 2% fewer spectators due to incomplete sales.  电脑售票系统瘫痪,花费×××,降低2%的出席率。

Media visit  媒体采访  A TV station wants to do a report on the team’s preparation for the next match. Do you agree?  一家电视台想要报道下场比赛的准备情况,同意吗?  Yes  同意  You earn ××× but training activities will suffer a little (-1 point fitness).  你获得×××钱,但是-1体能  No  不同意  You have turned down their request.  你拒绝了对方

Media visit  媒体采访  A video production company wants to shoot an educational film about day to day training at your club. Do you agree?  一家音像制作公司想要拍摄俱乐部训练射门的片子,同意吗?  Yes  同意  You earn ××× but training activities will suffer a little (-1 point fitness).  你获得×××钱,但是-1体能  No  不同意  You have turned down their request.  你拒绝了对方

